Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome To CSD

So, you've been wanting to cook have you?

Of course you have. Why else would you find yourself on this little website if a little culinary know-how wasn't on your mind? These days it seems like a lot of people are doing it. Many food based publications are considering it the new trend, and you the phrase "Staying home is the new eating out," has been thrown out on more than one occasion. Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about something so integral to our culture and health as cooking for ourselves only recently becoming popular because of trends, but I'm just glad it's finally starting to happen.

Cooking for yourself is a thing of beauty. The simple act of stepping into one's kitchen and preparing a meal can go beyond sheer sustenance. Why, just the act of cooking can help relieve stress, inspire creativity, unite the family, and of course the end result of cooking is usually the eating, which isn't too bad either. The transformation of raw naturally produced materials into something so satisfying just by applying some heat can be astounding. It's a freakish science that few can explain, but all can enjoy.

And I won't lie to you, it will be tough. Cooking definitely comes with it's own bag of challenges. Bear in mind, we're dealing with unique equipment here, and raw ingredients that seem to change into something else when you warm them up. There's a reasonably high likelihood of failure here, and if one isn't careful, you could have a pile of over-salted, overcooked, bad tasting mush on your plate when all is said and done.

This is probably why you haven't been doing it right? You're a hungry person and really don't want to risk your precious time making something that's just gonna taste awful. It's been a lot easier to let someone else do it for you and guarantee the results. The programming on Food Network probably hasn't made it any easier. Oh sure, there are plenty of smiling faces shoving moderately attractive food into the camera, but it's nothing that's inspired you to get in your kitchen and make something.So where can a hungry, confused soul go to learn a few things about food, and maybe get inspired?

Well, why not start here?

CSD Foodstuffs was not designed to be the kind of places that waxes poetically about overpriced ingredients like truffles or saffron, it's not a place that highlights the top names in high-cost kitchen gear, nor is it about showing off wonderous picture of food that other people have made.

We're here to talk about cooking at it's most basic level. CSD Foodstuffs acknowledges that you are an intelligent person and already have some experience with cooking. Perhaps you're not a culinary pioneer (yet,) but you certainly know how things work. And we've all got culinary history built into us through mothers and grandmothers who've had specialty recipes that excited us every time they were whipped up. And, considering how much we eat, we've got plenty of experience with the subject matter to know what tastes good. Humans are loaded with taste-buds and, assuming they haven’t been burned off with fast food yet, tend use them every single day. So this blog isn’t here to sell you a bunch of garbage you don’t need or load you up with recipe cards you’ll never use. No, we are here to inspire, and to educate. To provide you with the foundation to make any meal you make into something killer, and to create the desire to make those meals more often. We are here to cook.

So, get ready for a thrill ride into a culinary nirvana, spawned by your own two hands. It is time to cook something damnit!

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