Wednesday, June 10, 2009

About The Editor

I am not a chef.

I just want to say that right off the bat, I’ve not spent years toiling away in high class kitchens serving out dishes of gourmet food by the hundreds to hungry masses. I have no culinary education degree (at least not yet anyways,) and have never made a living out of food beyond running my dad’s ice cream shop when I was seven.

If you were seeking a grizzled old pro, or one of those fluffy celeb chefs that frequent Food Network to talk food with, I clearly am not your guy. I, much like you, am just someone who really likes to eat.

Food is one of my great passions. I spend a lot of time reading, watching food-related programming, and tucked away in my little dark kitchen practicing and experimenting. I have amassed a small handful of recipes that I feel confident I can deliver competently, and I’m crazy enough to eat just about anything. So, I tend to take great pride in what I put on a plate, and do my best to maintain a sense of humility with the volumes of stuff I don’t know yet. Put simply, I love to cook.

So what qualifies me to talk about cooking in a competent way? Well, if credentials is what you seek, I am an educator with several years in the field. I’ve taught people of all ages, for a variety of employers ranging from government to schools, to the impoverished nonprofits, a hefty variety of subjects. Subject matters include epidemiology, entomology, the water cycle and first aid, just to name a few. And I’ve had had to explain all these things to a wide range of people, and find some way of making them understand exactly what I’m getting at.

So, I figure that if people trust my ability to certify someone to administer CPR in an emergency situation, then I probably won’t be too bad talking about something that I actually like doing.

So, if my credibility is now shot in your eyes, this is probably the point we should bid each other farewell. I wish you the greatest in success of finding something out there that rings true for your culinary voice out on the big wide web.

For those of you that have decided to stick around, I think we’re gonna have a blast. I’m gonna throw everything I’ve picked up at you. And, still being a student of the culinary arts, anything new I learn, you’re gonna learn as well. So basically we’re all gonna get good at this together.

And I’m sure I’ll make mistakes. I’ll get my facts wrong, and probably make more than a few erroneous calls about the science of cooking. But, we’ll sort it all out as we go along. Don’t forget, life’s all about mistakes. Without them, we wouldn’t have anything to learn from. And it’s not about getting it perfect, it’s just to cook a little better and enjoy the results.


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